Tuesday, May 18

WARNING - I do like to go on and on and on and on and on...

I'm slightly obsessed with beauty... to the horror of my friends i like to drone on and on and on and on about my latest products and purchases and try and coerce them into purchasing said products so that we can squeal and compare stories on how wonderful the previously mentioned products are.Maybe now i can release all of that pent up excitement onto here and save my friends another lecture.
I have very dry, very sensitive skin. Im not prone to breakouts but i do get this weird painful rash (ew) when i use overly scented products, foaming cleansers, and various other types of skin care. After about 1 month of using a new product i need to throw it out. Its expensive and frustrating.So after many years of trial and error and an amazing amount of new products on the market i have now found a few things that work for me.

Kosmea is the skin care i am using at the moment and so far so good. Ive started with a trial pack which contains a Clarifying Facial Wash, Moisturising Lotion SPF 30+, Rosewater mist and The 5 Minute Facial Muslin Cloth. I must admit i was pretty sceptical when i first saw the cloth... its just a cloth right? welllll no. It helps get rid of every trace of face wash effectively and exfoliates during the process. good huh?
The moisturiser is amazing for the during the day and i feel pretty chuffed with myself knowing I've got moisturiser on when i step out into the sun.Finally the rosewater is a wonderful pick me up after being in the office all day.Kosmea can be purchased online or at David Jones.
Before bed i switch my moisturiser to Aesop which is another great product for sensitive skin. The one i use is the Primrose Facial Hydrating Cream, i mix it with some Rose hip oil and voila! Perfect hydration for my bedtime.

Up next is my beloved Moroccan Oil. I'm sure you've all heard of it as its been featured in many a glossy and apparently its been on Oprah aha. Its amazing. Don't freak out at the thought of using an oil in your hair, its super absorbent and wont weight your hair down. I put a small amount in my ends when my hair has been towel dried and i find it makes my blow drying extra fast and almost salon like. It also works well on my curls aaaaand It can also be put into dry hair if you have dry ends during the day. My hair looked lush and shiny after only one use, and after using it for a month now its never looked better. 
Woo! Its about 50 bucks from most salons and yes, it did win InStyle's Best Beauty Buys.

My aim in life is to have eyebrows like Brooke Shields. While i am waiting for them to grow i like to fill in with my Bobbi Brown pencil. I cant leave the house without them being filled, i feel like i can get away with less eye makeup and i feel more... photogenic? haha.

The foundation i use right now is Bobbi Brown Natural finish longlasting foundation and  i heart it. As i said before i have super dry skin,
which requires priming and prepping before i apply foundation. This is the first one that i can rub into my skin without needing to slap on half a tube of moisturiser to prepare. I can layer it depending on my coverage and my skin looks so so natural when its on.I also have it in compact form which is super for touch ups and when I'm out.This was $75 and all of the Bobbi Brown packaging is big black and sleek. Love it!!

Oh i love all these beauties so so much and i hope you can have some fun with them too.I'm visiting Mecca this week, fingers crossed i can condense my trip into one post a tad smaller than this one!

April Rose

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